Taking care of the environment and mitigating climate change

A long journey connecting dots from several different fields of knowledge and a strong drive for continuous improvement enable us to develop with our clients the best possible integrated solution to generate economic and environmental value from the residual (waste) biomass available in the organizational and local context with the objective of becoming more  economically and environmentally sustainable and resilient.  

Before selling technology provide the consultancy needed to develop an appropriate change management plan, an internal Biomass Audit that coupled with a full Energy Audit carried out by an Energy Service Company (EsCo) defines sustainable environmental and energetic efficiency objectives and a solid plan to achieve them.  

Be part of the solution

Biomass lie to waste, what to do with it? 

use it locally to reduce your energy bill, improve your soil and capture CO2


At the heart of the BiokW Solution there is a solid and simple to operate containerised pyro-gasifier that unlike usual biomass boilers does NOT burn to ash the wood to produce hot water. The pyro-gasifier separates the input biomass into BioSyngas, a renewable gaseous fuel that can be cleanly used in any energetic process, and Biochar, natural charcoal with very valuable applications in agriculture and great greenhouse gasses sequestration potential.


Traditional agriculture and modern science recognise the benefits of using charcoal to improve key qualities of soils. Biochar increases Soil Organic Matter, improves Water Holding Capacity and Nutrient Cycling and general availability, reduces leaching and pollutant bio-availability.  It also provides a functional substrate for all microorganisms that improves soil fertility and provide drought resistance and resilience to plants.


We only deal with residual biomass, material that is already present in the organisation or that can be produced as a co-product of a primary activity.
Think of green waste, pruning and tree clippings from parks and gardens, secondary biomass from orchards and agriculture in general, and the great potential of Urban and PeriUrban Forests.